Results for articles containing the Tag "dental insurance"
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Hints to decrease dental costs
If you have dental insurance, cost shouldn’t be a reason to keep you away from your dentist. In fact, we’ve put together three quick tips to help you get the most bang for your buck out of your dental insurance – and to keep your costs down.
January 15th, 2018

Use your benefits before the year is over
Most companies opt for health benefits that begin January 1, so if you get your dental benefits through your employer, odds are your benefits will expire at the end of the year.
November 30th, 2017

What to expect during open enrollment
Insurance coverage for most companies begins on January 1, so many hold their open enrollment right around now! We’ve put together a little guide on what you likely can expect as you go through the process of choosing your benefits for 2018.
November 8th, 2017

How pre-treatment estimates work
To help members understand costs before they’re incurred, Delta Dental provides free pre-treatment estimates*, which are sometimes referred to as pre-determinations or pre-authorizations. These estimates give patients an approximate idea of how much a dental treatment will cost overall, and how that cost will be split between the member and Delta Dental
November 2nd, 2017

Dental benefits after retirement
For many people, planning for retirement means decades of tucking money away in retirement accounts and scheduling vacations. But many of these same people forget to plan for one thing – dental benefits!
October 9th, 2017

What should I ask my HR department this open enrollment period?
Picking your benefits can be complicated. In fact, statistics show that most people tend to just re-enroll in the benefit options that they have chosen previously. But benefit packages often change, and you may want to change your selections with them.
September 19th, 2017

Confused about your dental network? We’ve got you covered
Whether you’re looking for a dental plan or already have one, one of the most important factors you can consider is your dentist network. Which network provides the greatest savings? How many dentists are involved? Are fees negotiated?
July 25th, 2017

Now that my treatment is complete, what happens to my payment?
The pathway for dental claims can be complicated and intricate. Wondering what happens to your claim after you pay for a dental treatment? Take a peek behind the curtain
July 11th, 2017

The numbers behind the network
One of the largest factors behind what kind of discount your dental benefits plan offers you is the size of its network – how many dentists are a part of their plans. But how they count those dentists matters.
April 12th, 2017